Tuesday 18 June 2019

Hi all, Just realised it's been almost a year since I wrote anything. I have still been doing stuff even though walking, etc, has been quite hard. I've not been good and struggling to get out and about as the arthritis meds stopped working so I was taken off them. Now on a new one so hopefully I'll be out in the woods, using the quad and riding the Harley soon, making some new videos for YouTube and keeping up with the BushcraftUSA certification. Pleased that a friend that I taught the bow drill and fire lays to has now had 3 books published: 1) Bushcraft - The Bow Drill Bible 2) Bushcraft - The Hand Drill Bible 3) Bushcraft - Kuksa Carving all available on Amazon by Leigh-Robinson (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Leigh-Robinson/e/B07JWJK1FV/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1) Personally I've been attending some classroom courses to keep me and my brain busy including amongst others: Basic guitar playing (know several cords etc) Printing Environmental art Gypsy painting Basket weaving etc Remember even though the legs may not be working to well, the minds still active and you can still do stuff...AT YOUR OWN PACE!!Keep at it and keep the old skills alive, Remember to pass them on to the kids and grandkids, as they will take the skills forward to the next generations ensuring they are not lost as several have been through time so we now have to guess what tools were for and how they were made.

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